Dan Yates
Associate Executive Director, The Groundwater Protection Council
Dan Yates is the Associate Executive Director for the Ground Water Protection Council (GWPC). In that role he provides support to the GWPC Board of Directors as well as several committees. He is the lead staff member for water quality policy including source water protection and interfacing with state and federal agencies on topics ranging from source water, UIC, state data management, and oil and gas regulations. Dan is a co-chair of the National Source Water Collaborative. He helps staff the State Oil and Gas Regulatory Exchange. He serves on the board of the Oklahoma Society of Association Executives and the Oklahoma Water Research Advisory Board. Dan has led several state and national projects including the development and installation of the Oklahoma Well and Seismic Monitoring application (OWSM) for the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. He holds a Bachelor in Music Education from Oklahoma City University and a Master of Public Administration from the University of Oklahoma.
The GWPC is the national organization of state ground water regulatory agencies including groundwater, source water, underground injection control, and oil and gas programs whose mission is to promote the protection and conservation of ground water resources for all beneficial uses, recognizing ground water as a critical component of the ecosystem.