Permian Basin Perspectives September 10, 2020 | Virtual Event | 3:00pm CST

Corporate Partners

Permian Basin Perspectives

As we continue to promote strategic debate, partnerships and commercial opportunities virtually, we invite you to join our next e-dialogues.

Permian rebound – How to future-proof a region for optimal global supply positioning?

Program topics include:

  • What lies ahead on the road to recovery? Moving beyond historic price collapse, demand destruction and pandemic
  • How will 2020 transform the Permian basin?
  • What does a rebound look like for the US’ most prolific production basin in an era of decarbonization goals and energy transition?
  • Can Permian producers lead the way to net zero through reduction of flaring and methane emissions? What partnerships and roadmaps are required?

Confirmed Panelists:

  • Patrick Payton, Mayor of Midland, Texas
  • Max Easley, Senior Vice President Production, Apache Corporation
  • John Davies, CEO & Chairman, Davies Public Affairs
  • John Shefchik, Vice President Midstream, Kiewit Energy Group
  • Steve Deiker, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Kairos Aerospace
  • Colin Leyden, Director Regulatory & Legislative Affairs, Environmental Defense Fund
  • Gabriel Collins, Fellow in Energy & Environmental Regulatory Affairs, Rice University’s Baker Institute
  • Tracee Bentley, President & CEO, Permian Strategic Partnership
  • Adrienne Sandoval, Oil Conservation Division Director, EMNRD
  • John Hoeppner, Head of US Stewardship and Sustainable Investments, Legal & General Investment Management

The registration fee for the e-dialogues is waived for ED Insights members. If you are a member, please contact: Bena Leslie at


  • “For the past several years, Energy Dialogues has been quietly flying under the radar while facilitating some of the most impactful conversations we’ve had around the challenges of the energy trilemma and how to tackle climate change. Pulling together a global set of stakeholders from all levels of government and all aspects of industry, Energy Dialogues is providing the table where ideas can be raised and debated. As more leaders realize the value of this organization, it won’t remain under the radar for long.”

    – Toby Rice, President & CEO, EQT

  • Energy Dialogues has provided a really nice platform to have very real conversations about issues that the natural gas industry faces. It is a place where environmental groups, environmental NGOs in particular, public leaders, public servants, and people from the energy industry as well as academics, like myself, can come together and hear perspectives from other people’s points of view. I think that is probably the biggest value that the Energy Dialogues platform provides, is the ability to share those views in an unbiased way so that everyone is really aware of the challenges that are faced in the multidimensional complex that is energy.

    – Ken Medlock, James A Baker III & Susan G Baker Fellow in Energy & Resource Economics, Rice University's Baker Institute

  • Are you exposing yourself to a wide enough set of opinions and questions? – Energy Dialogues does that for you.

    – Chip Blue, Principal, Boston Consulting Group

  • This type of dialogue is critical to the future of the industry.

    Larry Holdren, Co-Founder and Director, Colorado Energy & Water Institute

  • You will not find a more open, diverse, inclusive forum for energy futures.

    John Oyen, Manager, Business Development, ABB