Jeff Pavlovic
Power Market Expert, Bravos Energia
Jeff Pavlovic holds degrees in Economics and Mathematics from Duke University, a masters degree in Business Administration from Stanford University and a masters degree in Economics from the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas. He is currently a partner in Bravos Energía, a company dedicated to the representation of generation assets in the Mexican Wholesale Power Market, the development of price forecasts, and other value-added services for market participants. Previously, he was Managing Director of Electric Industry Coordination and Managing Director of Generation and Transmission in the Ministry of Energy and Unit Leader of Modernization in the Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE). In the United States, he was Manager of Generation Control and Dispatch for Xcel Energy in Denver, Colorado. He began his career as a financial analyst at LEK Consulting, where he specialized in the unbundling of electric utilities. He has earned a NERC system operator certification and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.