Download the 2021 Houston Energy Dialogues Summary

On August 31, 2021, Energy Dialogues and the Center for Energy Studies (CES) at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy hosted the Houston Energy Dialogues (HED) for the fifth consecutive year.

2021 Houston Energy Dialogues Summary

Representatives from the government, industry, academia, environmental groups, and regulatory bodies came together to discuss resilience in the energy industry, centered around four topics:

  1. What Houston’s future might hold in a post-COVID era of energy transition
  2. Resilient ecosystems and the design of a reliable, resilient, and the clean energy value chain
  3. The intersection of climate policy and resiliency
  4. The role of policy in accelerating transitions while ensuring resilience in future energy value chains


Sempra InfrastructureValidereSchlumberger


Baker Institute (CES)

Download the summary to gain insight into the discussion and conclusions drawn.