Vicente Fox Quesada

Vicente Fox Quesada

[:en]Former President of Mexico & Advisor, [:es] Ex-presidente de México y Asesor, [:] [:en] EIM Capital [:es] EIM Capital [:]

[:en]Vicente Fox Quesada was the 55th President of the United Mexican States (Mexico). Mr. Fox began his career in the Coca-Cola company in 1964, starting as an entry level employee working all the way to become head of Coca-Cola Mexico and Coca-Cola Latin America. As Mexico’s economy struggled in the 1980s, Mr. Fox became convinced that the country needed new leadership, and he turned to politics, becoming Governor of his home state of Guanajuato in 1995. When elected to the presidency of Mexico in 2000, Mr. Fox broke the domination that the then-ruling party had held on the presidency for seven decades. A charismatic reformer, Mr. Fox is credited as playing a vital role in Mexico’s democratization, and for strengthening the country’s economy. During his presidency, Mr. Fox succeeded in controlling poverty, inflation and interest rates, and in achieving the lowest unemployment rate in all of Latin America. Mr. Fox serves on numerous honorary degrees and advisory positions, and is a member of Club Madrid. Mr. Fox currently runs Centro Fox, the first presidential library outside the United States, and serves as the Chairman of EIM Capital.