Hector Olea
President & CEO, Gauss Energía
With more than 23 years of experience in the Mexican energy sector, Hector Olea has actively participated in the promotion and development of renewable energy in the country. Since 2004, Hector Olea is President and CEO of Gauss, a business development firm specialized in the energy sector. Gauss activities are focused in the identification, development and structuring investment opportunities in renewable energy projects, which accounts for more than US$700 million in greenfield projects. Before, he acted as CEO of Suez in Mexico, where he led its transformation into a nationwide energy company. From 1995 to 2000, Mr. Olea acted as Chairman of the Mexican Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE). He is President of the Asociación Mexicana de Energía Solar Fotovoltaica (Asolmex) and Chairman of the Mexican Section of the Mexico-‐US Business Energy Council. He is an economist from ITAM (Mexico) and earned his Master and PhD in Economics at Rice University (US). In 1989, he was distinguished with the Banamex Economics Award.